Member-only story
Sheesh, I did a lot in 2022
I kicked off the last day of 2022 with my regular Saturday morning Zumba class. All of my new friends here have come from that studio, which makes it a special place for me. Like my ballroom studio in California, it feels like a home away from home. A place where I can go and let my dance freak flag fly without fear of judgment or rejection. The final Zumba class of 2022 was no exception. I left with a tired body and a full heart.
I continued my tradition of baking fresh challah bread on New Year’s Eve, which helped with the staying up past my bedtime to ring in the new year because the process takes hooooours. The initial sponge was mixed at 5pm, and the bread came out of the oven just before midnight. I would have started earlier, but I had to make a last minute run to the grocery store for instant yeast. The other challenge is the first floor of the house is only heated to 65 degrees F in the winter. So when the recipe says the dough needs to rest at room temperature until it’s doubled in size and claims that it usually takes about 20 minutes, I’m waiting an hour. “Room temperature” is a relative term.
I watched the Night at the Museum movies while waiting for the challah dough to rest after every step in the recipe (I wish I could get so many naps during my day!). The two loaves came out of the oven just before midnight, giving me time to tune into the Times Square…